
hei, watch our film chums!

I will really really really do not care if i talk like jumbles or something.
There's not another i can say to feel what word will i pick. It's been full a week we concerned about this. Chased by the cursed of deadline. And by that time we had them finished. How we are Wanting them, feeling them, eating them and crazy with them. It's all has happened just before we know it. The very "long time" i just feeled was about to upload this ripe material to you tube! really!

Just Watch this out! and feel free to comment this ripe material. How sour, sweet, or saltyness it takes...

KotakIDE production presents a drama-non-romance film for I-COMM 2010 and MANKOM 2009.

We are sorry if it has a lot of technical accident. because we belive about The Learning Process. They'll make us better for future notes.

7 komentar:

  1. keren sist, gw pngen banget bikin film, biasanya cuma ngayal gw sambil pup hehe..
    gw suka openingnya, nice job dahh! eh kamera lu rada gerak pas novianto kecil belajar lari yak, itu rada bikin pusing sih.. tapi yang lain keren lahh.. oiya, gw ngakak pas adegan si novianto bawa sapu lagi nyemangatin tmennya, trus di liatin 2 cewe dan di ulang2. sumpah tampangnya ga nahan. ahhahaha...

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  3. yoi yas thx yee..

    ayo buat film tentang ikan paus dikolam renang.. haha

  4. Lumayan, tapi beberapa yang harus di-improve:
    (1) Ada pemain yang bicara membelakangi camera;
    (2) Ada bagian yang suara pembicaraan yg kurang keras (hal ini bisa dng teknik editing).
    (3) Beberapa pengambilan shoot masih goyang.
    (4) Aktor atlit pelari kurang tinggi ngangkat kakinya (dulu saya pernah atlit atletik;
    (5) Efek Cahaya.
    (6) Alur cerita agak datar, perlu disusun scenario mana yang klimaks dan mana yang antiklimaks.
    Bagaimanapun kalau pakai perlengkapan yg lengkap pasti mahal biayanya; dan ini sebagai permulaan yang baik, se depan perlu ditingkatkan lagi. Salam utk semua...

  5. Very good production guys! The music is great, tight camera angles, it's happy and fun. You should send it to Reebok for sponsorship money! Well done.

  6. kita bikin film zombie di lapangan futsal aja.. hahahaha.. *implisit meaning

  7. filmnya bagus, inspiratif banget buat yang suka ngorbanin temennya cuma buat ego sendiri.
    si ucup kecil mukanya kocak minta dijitak hahaha.
